While classes are heating up, some students haven’t fully got back into the academic swing of things. Some have already fallen into senioritis, while those with difficult or new schedules may not be completely used to what’s required to keep up in harder classes. Others are just lazy. While paying attention, keeping up on homework, and actively following course material are going to be any teacher’s advice on how to do well in a course, here are some tips and tricks on how to stay on top of your schoolwork.

Phone Apps:
There are also numerous apps on your phone that can help you study better. Some simple task manager apps (log what tasks you have to do and can help you stay on top of your work.) Some possible apps to keep you on track are Any.do, Todoist, and Wunderlist — and the best part is that these apps are all free! Some other task apps include Clear, CARROT, and 2do; however, these do cost money. Evernote and Notability are other quality apps for note-taking. No matter what help you seek in order to be more productive, there’s an app for that.
Computer Apps:
Many school projects require the use of a computer to research or complete an activity, but it may be very ifficult for some to stay motivated and not procrastinate when on a computer. There’s nothing stopping you from checking Facebook or looking up Vines for three hours, right? Wrong! Computer apps, such as Cold Turkey, SelfControl, and StayFocused, all help by blocking access to certain websites (like social media sites) for a specified amount of time. You can find all of these by just Googling them, or Binging them, if that’s more your style.
Bullet Journaling:
One helpful and less-known strategy for keeping track of work is bullet journaling. Bullet journaling is a fast way of note-taking and journaling and is a good strategy for those who have a lot to write down but don’t have all the time in the world to do so. You start by adding a page number and topic name to the top of the page, usually a date or a title of a list. Next, you make bullet points that are either tasks, events, or notes. A task is represented by a simple dot, and you can add an “x” to show that the task is complete, a “>” to show that the task is moved to another day, or a “<” to show that the task is scheduled. An event is represented by an “O” bullet, and according to the bullet journal website, “should be as objective and brief as possible when Rapid Logging.” Notes ares represented by a “-” and should be brief as well. There are also signifiers: a “*” represents priority, a “!” represents inspiration or a good idea, and an eye symbol represents more exploring to be done. This method is an easy way to see all of your tasks — those done, those not done, and those in progress — in one place. To learn the specifics of how to bullet journal visit bulletjournal.com.

Staying Healthy:
While this may seem impossible to do in a high school setting, it really is true that the base for good studying is good living. Hearing “Sleep as much as you can, have a healthy breakfast, exercise and stay motivated!” from a parent may seem cliché and unattainable, but there are some simple ways to work towards health. Some ways include bringing a water bottle and a granola bar or two to school and having healthy study snacks after school. Getting the optimal hours of sleep may not be possible for those with a busy after-school schedule and piles of homework, but studies have shown that having limited screen time before bed allows for more melatonin to be released and consequently, an easier night’s sleep. No matter what combination of tips and tricks you use to help yourself deal with studying and schoolwork, make sure that you stay organized and motivated.