Leadership held a number of spirit-related events during the week of September 28 in preparation for the Friday, October 1 Homecoming rally and the October 2 Homecoming football game. Monday, September 28 was designated “PJ Day,” and free oreos and chocolate milk were distributed to students at lunch. Tuesday was Twin Day, with a free jumpy obstacle course available to students at lunch and during breaks. Students were encouraged to wear western clothing to school for “Western Wednesday,” and Thursday was dubbed Theme Day as students arrived at school dressed according to their grades’ homecoming themes.
Associated Student Body (ASB) secretary Matthew Copeland said that the events, games and themed days were all part of an effort to encourage student spirit, school pride, and participation in events that encourage the above. “We’re trying to bring the student body together, and we worked in [the Leadership class] as an entire group in order to figure out a way how to do that,” Copeland said. “We thought that, through these homecoming week activities, we could hopefully get that done and bring everyone together.”