How was Zombie Squad founded?
The official story involves a group of friends returning home from a movie one night and discussing how they would survive better than any of the characters in the film. From there the idea grew into a group of people who thought it would be fun to gain the skills necessary to actually survive a scenario where society has fallen. As they told their idea to other friends, word spread and the organization began to take shape. Early members realized the practicality and usefulness of many of the skills they were acquiring. The zombie survival theme provides a fun context to learn basic survival skills, with none of the usual stigma attached to being called a “survivalist”.
What is the purpose of Zombie Squad?
Zombie Squad is the world’s premiere non-stationary cadaver suppression task force. Of course, as you may know, our mission is not only to keep your neighborhood safe from the shambling hordes but also to help guide and educate others to better prepare themselves for any disaster. We want the public to be ready for anything from a natural or man made disaster, like a tornado or earthquake, to a full on zombie apocalypse.
Our organization focuses on fulfilling it’s mission by sharing information and promoting education about issues concerning survival and preparation. We also encourage our large member base to be involved in community organizations that promote disaster awareness or assist in recovery efforts. Our members volunteer their time, attend and organize fundraisers, and give to their communities in a number of ways. By using the zombie survival theme, we are able to reach a demographic that many organizations are unable to.
How many members are there?
Our on-line forums have over 26,000 members, averaging over a million hits per day.
We have 23 active chapters around the world, with many more being organized.
Zombie Squad currently has over 2600 card carrying members.
What are the backgrounds of people in the group?
We have active members from all walks of life ranging from graphic designers and tattoo artists to military officers and lawyers. Cult fans of the zombie/horror/post-apocalyptic genre seem to be everywhere. It always amazes me how our members consistently donate their time, effort, and money to support their communities.
What charity work has Zombie Squad done?
We host a number of events throughout the year and raise thousands of dollars in donations to support charities in our local communities as well as reputable national and international charitable institutions.
Every year, ZS chapters raise 10’s of thousands of dollars, thousands of lbs of food, dozens of gallons of blood and hours of volunteer hours in their local communities.
A few of the charities we have donated to financially, materially and/or volunteered our time to over the years:
– American Red Cross
– American Cancer Society
– Feed My People
– Youth In Need
– Direct Relief International
– Save the Children
– Project S.H.A.R.E.
– Juvenile Diabetes
– Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
– Meals on Wheels
– Habitat for Humanity
– Foodbank of Monmouth and Ocean County
-Prostate Cancer Foundation
-Susan G Koman Foundation for the Cure
-Adopt a Trail
Zombie Squad has hosted international fund raising drives to benefit areas that have been hit by devastating disasters, such as: Japan, Greensburg Ks, Mayanmar, China, Iowa flood and tornado relief, Hurricane Katrina relief, and the Haiti earthquake.
What sort of events does Zombie Squad plan and/or take part in?
Zombie Squad reaches the public via several paths. First and foremost is our website which hosts general disaster preparation information via our blog, well managed discussion forums and videos. Over the last several years we’ve branched out without our traveling “Zombie Survival” seminars that focus on general disaster preparation with a zombie twist. These seminars draw quite a crowd who in many cases come to see us for the zombie aspect but leave with knowledge and interest in steps they can take to be more prepared for more relevant disasters. We originally focused on sciĀfi and horror conventions around the country, but we’re also regularly invited to bring our show to Boy Scout Troops, universities, disaster fairs and even REI stores.
What plans does Zombie Squad have for the future?
ZS’s goal has always been to get as many people interested into being self reliant and personal accountable for their own in the event of a disaster. The less people we have out there running around trying to gather supplies at last minute and adding to the disaster chaos the better for all of us. We want people to learn how to take care of their own community and themselves for their own well-being instead of hoping that someone else will come and save them.
Written by Billy Butler. This article is an online exclusive. For more on zombies, see “Surviving the Zombiepocalypse.”