Trevor Islam: Player of the year

By Annie Shine

Trevor Islam, senior varsity soccer captain, born and raised in Mill Valley, Calif., has been playing soccer since he was just four years old. Currently in the Marin County Athletic League (MCAL) Islam is ranked No. 1 for the 21 goals he has scored this season , which is over double the amount of the No. 2 player. 

Islam has played for three consecutive years on the Tamalpais High School varsity team and has been a part of the Marin Football Club (Marin FC) for seven years. For the past two years, he has competed on their U19 Blue team which is the highest-ranked soccer team in Marin County. 

So far this year Islam has had three hattricks, meaning he’s scored three goals in one game. His hattricks took place in his second games against Terra Linda High School, Marin Catholic, and San Rafael. 

“This season we played against Terra Linda and we had previously lost to them during our game on Monday, Jan. 16, which was a home game. Shortly after, on Jan. 21 we played them away at Terra Linda and I scored my first hattrick of the season, which resulted in our 3-0 win,” Islam said. 

Jack Knowles, senior varsity soccer player, explained how Islam’s mentality and overall energy has impacted the team the most this year compared to past seasons. 

“Last year he [Islam] urged everyone to get into the right mentality, but this year he’s not only done that but shown what the right mentality looks like,” Knowles said. 

Islam rarely takes a day off and is constantly aiming to improve his skills along with pushing the team to its highest potential. Whether it’s training during his off days, thinking about what needs to be done in order to beat his next opponent, getting to practice early and being the last one to leave, Islam has done it all. 

“He gets to practice early every day, and all the practice I’ve seen him putting in at the field over and over and over again has payed off. I’m extremely proud to be his friend … Trevor has put his all into soccer this year, it’s what he eats and breathes,” Knowles said.

After being on varsity early on in his first years of high school, Islam quickly became a necessity to the team and the overall Tam soccer program. In the early pre-season months of Islam’s junior year, it had come to his attention that their prior coach had left and it was time to start hunting for a new coach. 

Islam took it upon himself to search for a head coach and get in contact with parents and the current athletic director at the time. After several months of searching, Islam secured a head coach for the program who later led the team to the MCAL semi-finals and ended up being one of Tam’s most successful soccer seasons. 

In past seasons Islam has played midfield, which is both offense and defense, so going into this season he was expecting to do the same. 

“Starting the season I knew we had a lot of good players on the team but I wasn’t sure where they’d all fit in and what their roles would be, including myself,” Islam said. 

Shortly after starting this season, Head Coach Shane Kennedy helped Islam identify where he was needed the most. 

“Our Coach Shane has helped a lot … Shane helped me improve and unlock more potential that I didn’t have in previous years. I’m proud of myself because in the beginning of the season I thought I’d be playing in the midfielder more often and not scoring as many goals. But as the season went on I learned I had more of a talent for that and I’m proud of myself for changing my game to provide the team with what it needed,” Islam said.

The leadership Islam has provided the team has impacted each teammate in different ways. 

“Trevor is a leader on our team, he’s the lead goal scorer and he really brings everyone on the team up with positive energy and I really appreciate everything he has done for our team,” Louis Sherman, senior varsity teammate, said. 

“Trevor has been such an impact player leading the team to so many great victories, he is a true leader and great captain,” Ian Murdoch, senior co-captain to Islam, said. 

After an outstanding four years in the Tam soccer program, it is no surprise that Islam has built some of the strongest, long-lasting, friendships and relationships. The team unity and leadership that Islam has brought to the program is showcased through the way he plays in games and his attitude on and off the field. 

“This is definitely the best season I’ve ever had, but the number of goals I’ve had is definitely due to how well my teammates are playing. Because I play striker, I am in a position to actually put the ball in the back of the net, but the goals come from the hard work that the rest of the team puts out in order to make this happen,” Islam said.