At the Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD) Board of Trustees meeting on April 30, student trustees reported on the ongoing events at the four high schools in the district: Redwood High School, Tamalpais High School, Archie Williams High School, and Tamiscal High School.
Tamiscal student trustee Mila Mincy focused on sharing the takeaways of a recent anti-racism discussion that took place at Tamiscal. She shared how their discussion surrounding racism in the district was very productive and she wants to continue having transparency about these topics in the district.
“If the board were to communicate to the district community the actions they are taking to eradicate this hateful racist behavior, then the community served by the board could have a better start to a path to fostering that trust and compassion within the district,” Mincy said.
In addition to advocating for better communication in the district, Mincy thanked the board for inviting author Ibram X Kendi to talk to students. Kendi will be talking to students at all four high schools during the district’s third stop and learn of the year on May 21.
All student trustees reported that their schools would be starting AP testing the week of May 6. Redwood student trustee Kiera Lensing described that Redwood had a very successful prom and said that it went as well as possible. Lyla MacRae, student trustee at Tam, reported that Tam is hosting a movie night on May 17 for Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage month. As Archie Williams student trustee Gia Debok was not in attendance, Lyla MacRae presented for her and stated that Archie Williams bands had won first and second place at the San Anselmo Battle of the Bands.
The next board meeting will be held May 14 at 6 p.m. at the Kreps Conference Room at the District Office.