The annual canned food drive, running from November 5 to 20, may be affected by a change in the math department’s incentives for donation of non-perishable canned food.
In years past, some math teachers gave extra credit to students who brought in canned and other non-perishable foods. This policy is no longer in effect.
The change was initiated by math teacher Chris Erlin and agreed upon by the math department. The new incentive, a pizza party given to the class who brings in the most cans, was suggested by fellow math teacher David Wetzel.
“This is a public school and our charter is to give equal access to education,” Erlin said. “If we give extra credit for cans donated, students with more money and disposable income can buy better grades. It’s not fair. ”
Both Erlin and math teacher Susan Proksch had, as of print time, received no cans from their students. “I have received zero [cans]. However, I don’t know if [students are] contributing to other classes or giving the food elsewhere. I can’t say if it’s a good or bad thing,” Proksch said.
“I wish kids were motivated to help somebody,” Erlin said. “But sometimes we need incentives to raise the issue above the noise.”