Become a Patron
Find out what really happens at Tamalpais High School! Become a patron of The Tam News and have every edition of our publication sent right to your home.
Your donation helps pay for the production of our student-run website, broadcast network, and monthly magazine, which has covered the Tam High community since 1916.
For The Tam News to continue producing award-winning journalism, we need the community’s help. Our patron subscribers provide us with the money to cover printing costs, equipment, and other expenses that enable hands-on journalism and publishing experience for students. Your tax-deductible donation subscribes you to The Tam News magazine for a year (if you prefer), and you will be recognized as a patron in our magazine.
This year, a districtwide financial crisis led to our budget being reduced. As a result, we have slightly altered the patronship model. We are relying on the community more than ever to support the publication and ensure that we maintain the quality of our magazine and learning experience.
To become a patron, please print out our patronship flyer and mail it, with a check attached, to
The Tam News
700 Miller Ave
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Patronship error form
If your name was misspelled in or omitted from the magazine, if you are not receiving The Tam News by mail and should be, or if we have made some other error, fill out the form below.