Tam implements student-led sexual assault and harassment task force



(Ethan Swope)

By Lily Lunn, Lifestyles Editor, Graphics Editor, Social Media Editor

Tamalpais High School administration and Wellness Center staff have organized a student-led sexual assault and sexual harassment task force, which held its first meeting on Oct. 25. The task force was created by Assistant Principal Karin Hatton and Wellness Coordinator Yvonne Milham. Meetings will be held monthly over Zoom, and there are several sub-groups within the task force that have additional meetings. These groups will focus on specific projects such as creating a safer school environment and figuring out how to inform students and staff on how to do so. 

“It is a group of Tam students who want to take action to affect change in their school community,” Milham wrote in an email. The task force has had only one meeting, but members are expected to be highly engaged with the topic. “[The goal is] to provide students a voice in the education about, and eradication of, sexual harassment and assault; to impact a change in the culture and climate at Tam about sexual harassment; to empower student voice and student decision making,” Milham wrote.

Superintendent Tara Taupier began organizing a district-wide sexual assault and harassment task force last year to prevent and address harassment and assault issues. This year each school is creating its own branch of the task force to meet the needs of students in a way that is relevant to each school’s culture.

“The task force started because of Title IX and SB695 and the need to address sexual harassment in schools to create an equitable learning environment. We wanted to make sure we were getting information out to students and that we are teaching about sexual assault and harassment in the classroom with fidelity,” Milham said.

Student-led Instagram accounts have been created as outlets for students to share their stories and experiences with sexual assault and harassment on campus. “I have read the social media account about this topic at Tam and it solidifies the need and urgency for this task force,” Milham said. The Instagram account @metooattam posts anonymous submissions from Tam students regarding sexual assault and harassment.