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Jewish Student Union

Diversity Day, set up by the Tamalpais High School’s Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), celebrated the diverse Tam community on April 28. This article is part of several that cover the day’s events and the clubs featured there.
Club Co-Presidents Josh Goldman (left) and Daniel Seidel (right) at the JSU stand
Club Co-Presidents Josh Goldman (left) and Daniel Seidel (right) at the JSU stand
Canyon Sallady

Under the almost summer sun outside of the student center, on April 28 Tamalpais High School hosted its third annual Diversity Day. The goal of the event was to bring together students, staff, and the wider community, according to a newsletter sent out from the school via parentsquare. “[These opportunities] benefit our school and students greatly by increasing a stronger sense of belonging, connecting us, and creating community pride and support,” the newsletter states.

Booths and tables filled up the courtyard, exhibiting everything from student displays of art to minority and BIPOC-owned businesses. PTA President Sherri Yoshizu stated that 25 Tam clubs hosted tables at the event.

Lined with bright flags and boxes of matzah, the Jewish Student Union’s (JSU) table hosted by co-presidents Caden Bernstein-Lawler, Colton Creath, Josh Goldman, Sam Ismailer, Jude Paine, Canyon Sallady, and Daniel Seidel stood out among the masses. “We’re here to talk about what we do in the Jewish Student Union, what our values are, and how we can bring more diversity into the community,” Sallady said. The JSU meets every other Thursday in Arielle Lehmann’s classroom.

“We have club meetings dedicated to each [Jewish] holiday where we explore the historical significance of each one,” Creath said. The first day of Passover began on April 22, a significant holiday celebrating the Jewish struggle. At their table, JSU members spotlighted the history behind Passover, and the traditions of the integral holiday.

“Here at Diversity Day we want to highlight our diversity and unique culture,” Sallady said. JSU’s next meeting will take place on May 9.

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About the Contributor
Haley Lefferts, Editor-in-Chief