The Scholastic Aptitude Test (better known as the SAT) is the most widely recognized college admission exam in the US, playing a large role in most prospective college student’s lives. Because test results are required for most college applications, it’s not a bad idea to join the two million students that attempt it every year. But as a result of the increasing number of college applicants in America, the test is becoming more and more competative. This causes most people to equate the SAT with large amounts of money, time, and stress. However, there are a few affordable ways to prepare for this test.
1. The College Board Website

Price: Free!
The features of this site include: free full online SAT practice tests, official SAT questions of the day, sample SAT questions, and SAT tutorials.
2. The Official SAT online course
Price: $48
The features of this online course include: 10 official practice tests, over 600 practice questions, 18 interactive lessons that cover all the material, immediate scoring on practice SAT tests, and personalized feedback.
3. Gruber’s Complete SAT guide 2015

Price: $15
In this guide you can find: a full-length practice test with detailed completed answers, an extended math section, a mini test based on your official SAT score and information on strategies and skills to help raise your prior score.
4. The Official SAT Study Guide

Price: $17
In this guide you can: take 10 SAT practice test developed by the SAT designers, access online explanations to SAT questions, detailed descriptions of what to expect in all sections of the SAT, and practice essay questions along with sample essays and annotations. ♦