“Riverdale,” the noir spinoff of the Archie franchise on the CW, is not your father’s Archie comic. It no longer follows kids with 70s haircuts and all American lifestyles, but a brooding, attractive,...
Student sections inside the gym get downright rowdy most Friday nights — after 7 p.m. that is. While students and others around Marin fork over a few dollars and get their hand stamped to watch a boys’...
In recent weeks, a small but growing portion of the internet has become obsessed with a Norwegian teen drama called “Skam,” which documents the struggles, dreams, hookups, and hangups of a group of...
“Hot plate!” someone screams, flawlessly maneuvering past me in a choking cloud of smoke. I wipe a trickle of sweat from the back of my neck and instantly regret having worn a wool turtleneck on this...
The space-themed Homecoming Dance held on October 3 in the student center was a blend of administration, teacher chaperones, and security guards trying to provide a safe environment for those in attendance,...