13 tapes, 13 episodes. That was the premise of the first season of “13 Reasons Why,” the 2017 Netflix series that depicted the suicide of high school student Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford). The...
Principal J.C. Farr held a town hall-style meeting in Gus Gymnasium to address the behavior of students at recent boys varsity basketball games, played at Marin Catholic High School and Redwood High School,...
Marin Theatre Company (MTC) has found themselves at the center of a racially charged controversy with their latest production “Thomas and Sally.” The play, written by Thomas Bradshaw, is a fictional...
“I do not value your money, I value your acceptance and loyalty,” claims XXXTentacion in the intro to his debut album 17. After listening to the album in completion, it becomes clear that the Miami-based...
2016 was one of the biggest years for music in recent times, with Beyoncé, Frank Ocean, David Bowie, Radiohead and dozens of other major artists releasing fantastic, critically-acclaimed albums. However,...