County introduces Race Equity Planning Committee

Oct 10, 2020
The County of Marin is taking applications for a new Race Equity Planning Committee, which will revise the county’s 2017 Race Equity Plan. The committee, made up of 15-20 community members, is being created “in light of urgent calls for civil rights, social justice, inclusivity, diversity, and equity within Marin County” according to a county news release.
The 2017 Race Equity Plan required all Marin County employees to attend eight hours of “cultural intelligence” training and undergo anti-bias training for hiring. The new committee will expand upon the plan’s goals.
“When we adopted the 2017 Race Equity Plan, we acknowledged structural inequities within our County government,” County Administrator Matthew Hymel said in the press release. “This Race Equity Planning Committee gives us an opportunity to collaborate with the community to ensure that we are proactively addressing structural racism.”
Committee applicants must be residents of Marin and identify as apart one of seven groups: BIPOC (Black, indigenous, people of color), women, LBGTQ+, between the ages of 15-25, 60 years or older, undocumented, or mentally or physically disabled. If appointed, they must serve for one year.
The deadline to submit applications is November 6.