Goto before the library: Goto worked in the district before coming to Tam. “I was in the food service at Drake for about four years, and two years before this I was at Redwood.”
When Goto was in high school: “I was the junior class president at my high school in Watsonville. One time the senior class and junior class had a bet, I forget what the bet was for, but the loser got a pie in the face. Unfortunately our class lost, and I remember quite clearly the senior president pie-ing me in the face. I think he really enjoyed that.”
In Goto’s words: “I help Mrs. Crowe with checking in books, making sure they’re covered, and all that sort of thing.”
Laura Corkrey: Science Teacher
Corkrey on her teaching philosophy: “All students have the ability to achieve and succeed if given appropriate guidance and the necessary tools.” She also recognizes that “adolescents have an integral need to test the boundaries of their environment in order to develop their sense of self on their journey to adulthood.”
Corkrey, teaching around the world: Last summer Corkrey taught high school in South Africa. “The objective of the trip was to evaluate education in the poorest of poor black communities, post-apartheid. My time in South Africa introduced me to new cultures, languages, and perspectives of life. The experience deepened my appreciation for the profession of teaching.”
Federoff on her teaching philosophy: “I want to make math accessible and interesting. I love what I do and am passionate about teaching high schoolers.”
Federoff is a native of Marin. “I went to Tam, MVMS, and Park School. I also went to San Marin for a few years. When I became a teacher I taught at San Marin for seven years and now I teach at Tam, the two high schools I went to!”
Pet peeve: “When students ask to use the restroom when I’m in the middle of a lesson. “