The Gay-Straight Alliance club will be putting on a Day of Silence on Friday, May 4th in order to raise awareness to the silencing effect of anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) bullying and harassment in schools. On that day, students will be asked to take a vow of silence in order to make a statement about the important issue of anti-LGBT bullying.
The week of April 30th will be a rainbow-themed spirit week culminating in the Day of Silence in order to let students know about the event, and will be a chance for students to show support for the Day of Silence and GSA. Monday will be red, Tuesday will be orange, Wednesday will be yellow and green, Thursday will be blue and purple will be worn on Friday, the Day of Silence.
“It went really well last year, we sold 120 t-shirts, and a ton of people got bracelets [to show they were participating in Day of Silence], so we’re expecting a good turn-out this year,” said senior and GSA president Liza Brusman. “Hopefully it will go really well this year. I expect it to, because of last year. It also helps that we’re a lot more organized this year.”
Tessa King, a freshman and member of GSA, says, “I’m excited for [Day of Silence]. It’s great to be a part of a school that has such an interest and civil and civil rights.”
T-shirts for Day of Silence will be on sale the week of April 30th for $8, and will feature a Star Wars inspired design, complete with a quote from Yoda.