Disney’s newest film, “Tomorrowland,” directed by Brad Bird, follows the story of a science-loving, driven teenage girl and her unlikely acquaintance, a grown man who was once a child-genius. The...
Tam students ran for the 2015-2016 class office positions of each grade on May 4 through May 8, during which students could visit the voting table by the student center and vote for their choice for their...
With the end of the school year approaching, junior Tommy Searle is anxiously waiting to hear back from the Management and Technology Summer Institute at the University of Pennsylvania. The program combines...
In the news, I've been reading lots of headlines about the closure of certain abortion clinics and the constant debate about whether or not abortion is a humane decision. I was initially angered by this...
The third film in the Hunger Games series, “Mockingjay: Part One” based on the book by Suzanne Collins, was not the film many fans were hoping for. The movie follows the story of Katniss Everdeen,...
When downloading apps, everyone sees the ones featured on the App Store and knows the most common few such as Instagram and Snapchat. However, there are over a million apps that exist that easily go unnoticed....
“Nights when I can’t fall asleep typically end with me laying in bed for hours on my phone or tossing and turning,” senior Taryn Varnes said. “Every hour I’m in bed still awake I find myself...
Junior Colette Lowry spent her summer vacation in a different way than one might expect. Rather than sleeping in until 12 or 1 in the afternoon, Lowry began her Sunday and Monday mornings at 6:30 a.m....
Seniors in all the visual art classes at Tam had the opportunity to be part of a show in downtown Mill Valley on June 3 from six to eight p.m. as part of the monthly First Tuesday Artwalk.
1. Keep your school supplies organized.
Near the end of the year, it’s easy to find yourself shoving papers in folders and pockets of your bag, never to be seen again. Clean out all the papers you...
As we return to school after lunch— probably a little later than we should be if we had been hoping to get a good spot— we are hit with the realization that the closest parking spot is quite a walk...