ASB president Emma Friedman Lowenthal to begin term


Courtesy of Emma Freidman-Lowenthal

By Sophia Weinberg, Editor-in-Chief

Emma Friedman Lowenthal will assume the role of Tamalpais High School’s Associated Student Body (ASB) president in the upcoming fall term. The initial voting took place on May 14, however, students were asked to revote and had until May 19 due to technical errors and possible fraudulent activities. Lowenthal was announced as ASB president and will work alongside Gabby Hoebrichts, who was elected senior class president.

Lowenthal’s mission is to make all voices at Tam heard when it comes to decisions regarding anything that affects the student body.

“I want to prioritize hearing others’ voices outside of leadership positions. I think we hear a lot of parents, leadership kids, and teachers, but I want to listen to everyone in the school,” Lowenthal said. 

She learned from the former ASB president, Anna Harrell, who graduated last June.

“She [Anna] did such a great job setting people up for success. She made sure everyone around her was prepared and helped in order to succeed.” Lowenthal hopes to continue Harrell’s leadership style. “ There was never doubt about what needed to be done, and we [ASB], were always given proper preparation. I hope I can continue that. Anna was such an amazing leader, and I am excited to learn from her.” 

While Lowenthal wants to continue Harell’s practices, she also has her own goals for Tam. A main goal of Lowenthals is to increase school spirit and community.

 “I want to really improve participation in grade events. There’s a stigma that participating in class events is not cool, and I want to change that.” 

Leadership events received little participation throughout the student body this year. The Glo-ball, held earlier this year did not sell enough tickets to break even. 

“Juniors had beach volleyball last week, and outside of leadership kids, only five people showed up. Sophomores held a movie night and only two people showed up. Class events should be fun bonding, not something that feels like a requirement. The more people participate in these events, the more fun the year will be.”

In addition to increasing participation, she has a vision for Tam’s student center.

“The student center is meant to serve the students, and I feel like it’s not really doing that right now.” Her goal is to have it as a place for rest or a break during or after class, with more snacks and couches, which she has already begun planning. 

“I’m excited for the next school year, and the positive changes we as students can make here.”