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News, Opinion, & Multimedia for Tamalpais High School

The Tam News

News, Opinion, & Multimedia for Tamalpais High School

The Tam News

News, Opinion, & Multimedia for Tamalpais High School

The Tam News

graphic by: Leo Diperro

Who is Ferguson?

By Holly Parkin Oct 2, 2014

In the wake of the fatal shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, news outlets, the Internet, and everyday people focused non-stop on the crisis in Ferguson,...

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Jose Anchordoqui Shares His Passion for Language

Jose Anchordoqui Shares His Passion for Language

By Holly Parkin Sep 12, 2014

This year, Tam welcomes new Spanish teacher Jose Anchordoqui. Working at Tam will be Anchordoqui’s second job as a paid teacher, following his job as a student teacher at Drake and a full time teaching...

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They Call it "Social" Media for a Reason

They Call it “Social” Media for a Reason

By Holly Parkin Jun 11, 2014

Scrolling through my Facebook Newsfeed the other day, I came across a link to a video by a Mr. Gary Turk titled “Look Up: A Spoken Word Film for an Online Generation.” Turk’s five-minute sermon...

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Mary Crowe to Retire from Tam’s Library

Mary Crowe to Retire from Tam’s Library

By Holly Parkin Jun 11, 2014

Most students, no matter what grade, have probably met Tam librarian Mary Crowe at some point in their high school career. Whether helping a student with a project, suggesting a fun new book, or even...

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TWO-WOMAN BAND: Juniors Nicole Cochary and Daisy Meisler are both vocalists, while also playing guitar and bass, respectively.

The Jetsonettes: Merging Feminism and Music

By Holly Parkin May 18, 2014

Juniors Nichole Cochary and Daisy Meisler have found a way to bring two of their passions together, combining feminism and music through their band, the Jetsonettes. Founded in mid-2013, the Jetsonettes...

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Smarter Balance Test Cancelled

Smarter Balance Test Cancelled

By Holly Parkin Apr 22, 2014

According to an email sent to faculty by the Tam administration on April 1, the Smarter Balance testing pilot will no longer take place this spring. As previously reported, there will also be no special...

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Junior Lily Buder Wins Grant from Tutor Corps

Junior Lily Buder Wins Grant from Tutor Corps

By Holly Parkin Mar 25, 2014

The Tutor Corps Foundation awarded junior Lily Buder the $250 Susan Lindquist Community Service Grant on February 25. Buder received the grant for the volunteer program she has created in partnership with...

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Kevin Coleman Hired as Truancy Officer

Kevin Coleman Hired as Truancy Officer

By Holly Parkin Mar 24, 2014

Marin County juvenile Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) Kevin Coleman joined the Tam faculty on February 24 to assist with truancy issues. Truancy is defined as a student being absent without permission. Over...

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Nygaard Takes Over Boys' Golf

Nygaard Takes Over Boys’ Golf

By Holly Parkin Mar 17, 2014

P.E. teacher Dustin Nygaard has taken over as the new coach of the Tam boys’ golf team. After the resignation of the previous coach, Mark Campagna, Nygaard quickly filled the empty position. Nygaard,...

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Old Mill Creek Suffers Sewage Spill

Old Mill Creek Suffers Sewage Spill

By Holly Parkin Feb 12, 2014

At least 200 gallons of sewage spilled into Old Mill Creek in the area between Cascade Drive and Molino Avenue due to a blocked sewer line on January 20. Southern Marin Fire Department Battalion Chief...

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Common Core Standards Replace STAR Testing

Common Core Standards Replace STAR Testing

By Holly Parkin Dec 16, 2013

In connection with new Common Core standards, a standardized test called the Smarter Balanced test will be implemented at Tam in the 2014-2015 school year, replacing Standardized Testing and Reporting...

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May the College Board Be Ever in Your Favor

May the College Board Be Ever in Your Favor

By Holly Parkin Dec 16, 2013

Advanced Placement (AP) classes are considered the most prestigious courses available in high school. Due to their college-level difficulty and hefty workload, they are deemed unfit for the faint-hearted....

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